Love Goes Out the Window
My grandma use to say, "Love goes out the window, when bills come in the door." She was a wise woman. Apparently her wisdom can be applied not only to personal relationships, but to our profession as well. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal discussed the fact that MLS librarians are leaving public libraries in favor of higher paying jobs in the private sector. I have heard a wide variety of reasons why people decided to pursue a Masters degree in library science - a love of reading and learning, and wanting to make a difference are the two I hear most frequently. Librarians know that information is vital, it is power, it is life changing, and it can be life saving. We know that the people at the greatest risk, with the most disadvantages are the ones that truly need great public libraries and librarians. People don't pursue an MLS to get rich quick. While money may not be a motivator, it is a necessity. Our Library has lost several excellent staff members to other jobs which pay more, offer better benefits, better hours, etc...These people loved working here, hated to go, and I hated to see them go. I wish them well, but more than anything, I wish we could have afforded to keep them.
Cindy Fuerst
Kankakee Public Library Director
Cindy Fuerst
Kankakee Public Library Director